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Over hele verden feires Enneagram-dagen 2023. Vi har et flott program, som starter klokken 17 norsk tid. Det er selvfølgelig online, og alle kan delta. Vår egen Tom Johansen er Moderator/Fasilitator. Husk å melde deg på. Følg linken under.

  • Dato:27.05.2023 05:00 PM
  • Sted Online arrangement


We will meet IEA Accredited teachers that have been selected to present at the IEA Global Conference in San Francisco in July this year. The teachers will each give us a 30-minute glimpse of the topics that they will elaborate on at the conference. 

You will enjoy the different energies and angles the teachers give us and hopefully, we will be able to ask them a few questions. 

See for the teachers and their presentations + a special free gift! and register.